Studii clinice
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The efficacy of polyvinylpyrrolidone – zinc gluconate and taurine gel (gelX) in prophylaxis and treatment of oral mucositis in children treated with chemotherapy
Colita A et al European Hematology Association Learning Center, June 12; 100076
There are limited data regarding the use in children as prophylactic or curative measures. In our study, the oral spray was administered as prophylaxis or as curative treatment. Our results showed better results in the OM development and quality of life in the prophylaxis arm.
Zinc: role in immunity, oxidative stress and chronic inflammation.
Prasad AS 2009. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 12(6):646-54
Zinc supplementation has been successfully used as a therapeutic and preventive agent for many conditions. Zinc functions as an intracellular signal molecule for immune cells.
GelX oral Gel and GelXOral Spray (GOG&GOS) pain relief for oral mucositis
Zannier F et al. 2015 Annals of Oncology 26(6):6
Taurine and inflammatory diseases
J.Marcinklewicz and E.Kontny 2014. Amino Acids 46(1):7-20
The fundamental role of taurine in the immune system is related to its antioxidant properties. Taurine protects tissues from oxidative stress associated with the pathology of various inflammatory diseases.
Taurine, the component (or modulator) of the myeloperoxidase–halide system of leukocytes, reacts with HOCl/HOBr to produce taurine haloamines (TauCl/TauBr), which are less toxic milder oxidants, but retain antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Taurine and taurine haloamines are components of innate immunity. The physiological functions of TauCl/TauBr are associated with the MPO–halide system of neutrophils.